A Kelsey & Rachel (& Rachel's mom!) tradition
Whenever Rachel comes home from New York, having a date at her parents' house for yummy eats and a movie is a must. The movie changes (this time it was "Hocus Pocus" — we only watch the best), but the eats are usually the same: A baguette, European butter, brie, herb goat cheese, and creamy Caesar salad. For dessert: Nutella and Speculoos/Biscoff cookies. And since it's fall, this time we also had apples and caramel and hot cider. Oh and Haribo peach gummies, just because those are the best. Oh, and stove top popcorn to follow dessert, because dessert makes you crave salty things. (Judge us.) Also tradition: Rachel's mom and her camera.
Rachel's mom, Kathy, has got to be one of my favorite people — not to mention like a second mom to me. She seems to live for capturing Rachel's life and life in general on film — er, computer chip. Rachel's mom has photographic evidence of everything from our cap-and-gown college graduation day to this most recent gluttonous get-together. The photos usually aren't mantel-worthy (in truth, they're hardly blog worthy), but they're my favorites to experience.
Kathy's always snapping away — usually when Rachel and I have our mouths full of baguette. This time we got her to wait while we held up some of our favorite treats for the camera.
In recent history, Rachel's mom makes sure to take at least one selfie, always with herself in the middle — a feat that can take some time given the framing and the fact that her camera has one of those pre-flash flash features.