"It's just, we're all we have."
Here's another one for the Grinch who cried "Too soon!" when you tried to get them to watch something super Christmasy. Yes, The Family Stone is another dramedy, but I think this one is underrated. The ladies in this movie give such great performances: Diane Keaton as the eccentric mother, Rachel McAdams as the judgmental sister, and Sarah Jessica Parker as the uptight girlfriend (read: fish out of water) visiting for the holidays.
This movie manages to make me chuckle, cringe, and cry at least three times. This is one touching movie. In fact, it's one of those where I really should just watch it alone so I could feel free to be a total wreck. And though it's rather predictable, as most romantic movies tend to be, it's still entirely worthwhile.

The premise: What happens when a tightly-wound girlfriend comes to spend the holidays with her boyfriend's kooky, free-spirited, and rather self-obsessed family?
The cast: The aforementioned ladies, plus Craig T. Nelson, Luke Wilson, Dermot Mulroney, & Clare Danes.
The best quote: Ben (Luke Wilson) to Meredith (SJP), telling her about a dream he had --> "You were just a little girl in a flannel night gown. And you were shoveling snow from the walk in front of our house. And I was the snow... I was the snow. And everywhere it landed and everywhere it covered... You scooped me up. With a big red shovel... You scooped me up."
My fav quote of all time! Such an underrated movie!