Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 2: Miracle on 34th Street

"I believe."

If you think Day 2 in my 25 Days of Christmas is too soon for Miracle on 34th Street, let me break it down for you: 

Thanksgiving Day = Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. 
Macy's = Miracle on 34th Street. Case closed.

The premise: What happens when the real Santa Claus steps in as the Macy's department store Santa and tries to turn one doubting little girl and her mother into believers? 

The two versions: 1947 & 1994

The best version: I'm about to break my movie motto of "don't mess with a classic," but just hear me out. The 1947 version is charming, and each movie's cast is fantastic in their own right. But I think the reason why, in the end, I prefer the 1994 version is due both to the pacing of the movie and the way it captures the sense of wonder and magic this story requires.

The best quote: "I'm not just a whimsical figure who wears a charming suit and affects a jolly demeanor... I'm a symbol. I'm a symbol of the human ability to be able to suppress the selfish and hateful tendencies that rule the major part of our lives. If you can't believe, if you can't accept anything on faith, then you're doomed for a life dominated by doubt." _Kris Kringle, 1994 version

The moral of the story: It's never too late to start believing. 

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