Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"Let us put aside our panic for this one minute...

And celebrate!" _Glinda, Wicked

Last Friday, some of my old college crew got together to celebrate one of our own having graduated from an intense nine-month Pilates program. This wasn't any pansy Pilates mat class certificate, though the dancer in me does love a good mat class. I'm talking 950+ hours of observation and teaching. I'm talking mastery over those machines reminiscent of torture devices. I'm talking the ability to heal clients' aches and pains through proper movement, helping them choose Pilates over knee surgery.

Armed with these skills, a brain full of knowledge, and a rockin' Pilates bod, there's no doubt in my mind that Kaitlyn is going to change lives — and that's something worth celebrating. And celebrate we did: with wine, canned margaritas (never again!), whiskey, too many dips, and a fruit tart — the "healthy" alternative to cake.

In the midst of the ever-flowing drinks and general buzz in the air, our friend Christina lamented the fact that her 27th birthday is practically upon her. "I'm almost 30," she cringed. This coming from a girl who, just a few short years ago, celebrated with a "birthday month." What is our world coming to when 30 is cringe-worthy? 

To my friends that read this: Let's not get hung up on numbers. If we can't handle 30, imagine how 40 and 50 is going to feel. At the risk of cornballing, life's too short not to jump at any and all excuses to celebrate. I for one am celebrating each and every one of you: your graduations, your 27th birthdays, your new adventures & next stages in life, your doctorate degrees, your adoring husbands, and your self-assured & sexy selves. Here's to you!

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