Give Greek a tasty makeover
As I write this, I'm recuperating from wisdom teeth extraction. I look like I have grapes in my jowls and I can't yet confidently eat much of anything beyond pudding and mashed potatoes. At first I welcomed the chance to eat such things (I love pudding and taters!), but I've reached day three and I'm so over it.
In an attempt to give my taste buds a little something different — and my body some protein, in theory — I combined plain Greek yogurt with various mix-ins. Some turned out better than others (cocoa yogurt, you will never replace chocolate pudding!), but they're all worth sharing. So whip up your own mixed yogurts and let me know if you find a way to improve them! I'm all ears... and sore teeth.
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Peanut butter & honey mix-in, AKA "cookie dough."
What to mix: 1 container yogurt, 1 heaping TBS peanut butter, 1 TBS honey, 1/4 tsp vanilla.
This one is my favorite because it's sweet enough to pass for a healthy dessert (if you add mini chocolate chips) and nutritious enough to pack for lunch or a midday snack.
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Banana cream pie mix-in.
What to mix: 1 container yogurt, 1 ripe mashed banana, 1/2 to 1 TBS honey, 1/4 tsp vanilla.
I think this concoction would be best blended really well — like maybe even whipped with handheld beaters. And topping with graham cracker crumbs certainly couldn't hurt!
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Cocoa yogurt mix-in.
What to mix: 1 container yogurt, 1 to 1 and 1/2 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder, 2 TBS sugar, 1/4 tsp vanilla.
Maybe this would have been better with semi-sweet cocoa, but even two TBS of white sugar just couldn't completely beat the yogurt's tang. Not my favorite, but that's probably because I'm trying to make chocolate pudding out of plain yogurt — something that can never truly be. I'd welcome suggestions on how to improve this one!
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Lemon meringue pie mix-in.

If you're a fan of lemon pie or lemon bars, you're going to love this one — it really tastes like a lemony dessert filling, no buts about it! Definitely my runner-up favorite.
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