Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Pancake House

A place for Dutch Babies & the best bacon

The Pancake House. Okay, so this isn't a revolutionary breakfast joint. I'm sure you've all been there at least once if not many times — they're all over the place after all. And they serve the best bacon: Nueske's bacon. It's thick-cut and Mmmm. Eat it. Eat all the bacon.

Alright, so everybody loves bacon. But there's one menu item that I think is still flying under the radar, and so I must preach. Two words: Dutch Baby. On more than one occasion, I've mentioned the Dutch Baby and gotten blank stares. No babies were harmed in the making of this breakfast — it's just a pancake the size of a baby. Or the size of a skillet, really, because that's how Dutch Babies are made. 

Basically you whip up runny pancake batter, pour it into a hot skillet, and stick the entire skillet in the oven to cook the pancake. The batter will creep up the sides of the skillet, resulting in thin, crispy edges. The center of the Dutch Baby might puff up, but it will deflate once it's out of the oven. Then you douse the Dutch Baby in butter and powdered sugar and top with a lemon wedge — maple syrup optional. It's amazing, and you can find it at The Pancake House. The Dutch Baby can and probably should feed two people... But really, you might just want it all to yourself. 

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